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    A letter from the one who will always love you

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    Jesus said "in me ye may have peace. In the world ye will have tribulation, but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world. "

    "Are you ready to step into eternity?"

  • How far would He go to show His love ?
  • I feel miserable, what can you do and why would you care ?
  • "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life."
    - John 3:16

    What are you building on ?

    Jesus spoke a parable about two men building a house (Matthew 7:24-27). There was one man who built his house on the rock and the other built on the sand. There came a time when there was a storm and the house built on sand crumbled to the ground and the one built on the rock stood.

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    - I Corinthians 1:31

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  • // each menu gets three parameters (see demo files) // 1. items structure // 2. geometry structure // 3. dynamic styles structure new menu (MENU_ITEMS, MENU_POS1, MENU_STYLES1); // make sure files containing definitions for these variables are linked to the document // if you got some javascript error like "MENU_POS1 is not defined", then you've made syntax // error in menu_tpl.js file or that file isn't linked properly. // also take a look at stylesheets loaded in header in order to set static styles //-->