Prayer Needs (Last Updated: Nov 3, 2003)
Troops in Iraq:
Please pray for our troops in Iraq:
1. Sam Forres
2. Fernando Francs
3. Pravin Chand
4. Matthew
5. Matt
6. Josh
7. Doug
Healing Needs
1. Sarah's back.
2. Katie's brother inlaw, Fred has cancer, please pray for his healing.
3. Scott, has been diagnosed with leukemia. Please pray for his healing. (Received on Oct 25)
4. Sonu, for his interview on Wednesday (Received on Nov. 1)
5. Pat, she is having pain on her knee. (Received on Oct 31)
6. David Duncan, for his financial situation and healing of his liver. (Received on Oct 29)
7. Anthony, for his son and his wife (Received on Nov 3)
Praise Reports
1. Diane's foot has been healed.
2. Kathi's asthma has been healed and she was able to visit her brother inlaw Fred
3. Jessica's back, she is almost back to normal.
4. baby Julie's is doing well, her heart is doing well.
Prayer Need Received on September 26, 2003:
Please pray for Myrtle Flagel of WV. She has cancer of the liver. Thank you for your prayers. Blessings, Nancy
Prayer Need Received on September 29, 2003:
Please pray for Steve, he has a real bad cold. Estela, his wife for recovery from her surgery. Christopher, his
son for the healing of his the bone in his left leg.
Please pray for Mike, he is looking for a place to relocate to and needs strength in his current circumstances
This page will be updated with Prayer Needs as we receive them.
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"If I seek to please men I can not be a servant of God" Galations 1:10