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Who Killed Jesus Christ?
With the release of the new Mel Gibson movie "The Passion of Christ" we have been hearing a lot a controversy about the movie having anti-Semitic overtones. Is it true the Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus Christ? While it might be true that He was taken to trial by the Jewish leaders, betrayed by one of his own disciples Judas Iscariot, and sentenced to die by the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate. Who was actually responsible for His death?
The Jewish leaders, Judas Iscariot and Pontius Pilate had their parts they played in fulfilling the plan of God that Christ should die. But I suggest they were not solely responsible for His death. The truth is that I share the responsibilty of His death and so do you. He died for me, for my sin and yours. It was the only way we could be saved for our sins. It was God providing Himself as a sacrifice for our sins. His dying for our sins was fullfillment of what was prophecied centuries earlier. It was the way God would redeem sinful man. All the events relating to Him; the time of His coming (Daniel 9:26, Genesis 49:10), where He would be born (Micah 5:2), and how He would die (Psalm chapter 22). These details were so clearly laid out in scriptures that the wise men from the east knew where to go and find Jesus at the time of His birth. God had a man called Abraham to enact the entire story of the cross two thousand years before Jesus went to the cross. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Issac on mount Moriah (Genesis chapter 22). His son carried the wood on his shoulder. It was the third day when they got to the place where he would sacrifice his son. As he was about to sacrifice his son an angel stopped him. For three days Abraham's son was considered dead, just as Jesus died on the cross and rose again on the third day. The son carried the wood on His shoulder just as Jesus carried the cross. The mount on which Issac was to be sacrified was the same mount Golgotha on which Jesus would be crucified two thousand years later, where another Father would sacrifice His Son for the sins of the world.
He was born to die, He died so that you could live and He rose again to be with you forever. Jesus himself on the night He was going to be crucified prayed that if this cup of suffering could pass that it would be taken away. But it wasn't taken away, He had to endure the cross for there was no other way for the sins of man to be taken away.
Scriptures says, if good works (law) could have saved us, Christ died in vain. (Galations 2:21) As you read this article, you might be able to see the awesome truth that you are also one of those who God died for. One more person responsible for Jesus's death. It was God's blood on the cross for you. You might say "God must be angry with me, if I was responsible for Him dying". The truth is that He died for yours sins, He chose to die for you so that you could live. His death was initiated by His love for you. You can be free from the bondage of sin and the consequence of sin which is separation from Him. When we are honest with God and tell Him that we have sinned and that we want to turn from our sins and receive His forgiveness. He wipes the slate clean and get a fresh start at living as He intended. The past can be forgiven and forgotten by God. The passions and power of sin that has controlled you can be overcome by the strength He gives. You will know the abundant life He has to offer, the security to be in His hands and of being well taken care of. Today could be the best day of your life, today can be the day when Jesus changes your life for eternity. Be honest with yourself, do you want to live as you please and be left thirsty and empty? Jesus asks all those who are thirsty, heavy laden and weary to come to Him. He took the punishment for all that you have done by being mocked, beaten and dying on the cross. In exchange He has given you the privileges that only He deserved for living a perfect life, He offers life spent with Him forever.
If you would understand more about Jesus's death and what your part is in receiving salvation from you sins. Sin is serious in God's eyes, to see the extent God's love for you in paying the penalty of sin, you can watch the movie "The Passion of Christ"
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"If I seek to please men I can not be a servant of God" Galations 1:10 |
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